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All play and no work makes John a goodCopyright 1984-1997 Claris Corporation and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. HBAM3016AUG95@ aboutI about filespec'sI defaultq dialogK filespecK filespec'sI fullpath_ oncep separatorp trfile-appendcontent trfile-contentsdialo trfile-copyfile trfile-createfile trfile-createfolder trfile-deletefile trfile-filespec_ trfile-filespec fullpath_ trfile-findfolder trfile-folderlist trfile-fullpath` trfile-fullpath filespec` trfile-getK trfile-get filespec dialogK trfile-getcontents trfile-getdatasize trfile-getdatecreate trfile-getdatemodifi trfile-getdatetimecr trfile-getdatetimemo files general zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag januari februari maart april augustus september oktober november december 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 3/10/99 CFILENAME FUNCTIONCATEGORY FUNCTIONDESCRIPTION FUNCTIONID File Specification File Manipulation Function Overview Read Me Function Details File Copy And Move Function Details (work) FMP 4.0 Bug warning Append To File Folder Manipulation Launch Multi Export Multi Image Import Multi Ex-/Import Explanation Multi Image Import Copy FolderList FolderList scripted Search Multi PDF Print FUNCTIONINVERSION FUNCTIONMAC FUNCTIONNAME FUNCTIONSYNTAX FUNCTIONWIN GCONTAINER G GDEMOFILE GDESTEXPORTFSSPEC GDESTFILESPEC GERRORCODE GEXPORTFSSPEC GFOLDERLIST GFOLDERLISTCOMMAND GFOLDERLISTSWITCHES GFOLDERSPEC OTCHES COPY GFOLDERSPEC OFILE GTHEFILESIZE GTHEFILESPEC GTHEFILETYPE GTHERESSIZE GTHETIMECREATED GTHETIMEMODIFIED GUSERINPUT GVERSION GXPLATFORMRETURN RANDOMNR textB gNumberB gVersionB |("TrFile-Version" TrFile-Version gTheFile gTheFileSpecB gTheFileSizeB gTheDataSizeB gTheDateCreatedB gTheDateModifiedB gTheCreatorB gTheFileTypeB gTheTimeCreatedB gTheTimeModifiedB gTheResSizeB gTheDateTimeCreatedB gTheDateTimeModifiedB gErrorCodeB A cFileNameB 3) + 1 A gDemoFileB "A gFullPathB gUserInputB FunctionNameB FunctionMacB FunctionWinB FunctionDescriptionB FunctionSyntaxB FunctionIDB FunctionCategoryB RandomNrB gTextB gDestFileSpecB FunctionInVersionB gXplatformReturnB gExportFSSpecB You can rotate the text by pushing the button Rotate 13 Below is an example of text: Guvf grkg vf abj erirnyrq. Guvf vf n fvzcyr jnl gb cerirag ernqvat ol bguref. Qrpbqr ol ebgngvat ntnva! Frr jung unccraf jvgu guvf: nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Guvf vf vzcyrzragrq ol Gebv Nhgbzngvfrevat 1997, 1998 $$-1^ $$-50eoPort/Express Modem Read Me Software included in your package Your package includes all software for use with the following configurations: GeoPort Telecom Adapter and one of the following Macintosh models: Performa 6360 and all PowerPC processor-based Macintosh and Performa models, except Power Macintosh and Performa 5200, 5300, 6200, 6300 series GeoPort Telecom Adapter II and one of the following Macintosh models: Performa 6360 and all PowerPC processor-based Macintosh P#:-1:2:GeoPort/Express Modem Read MeS 10-06-98T 10-06-98U ttxtV TEXTY 15:22:20Z 15:22:20[ 1998-06-10 15:22:20] 1998-06-10 15:22:20 Peter peters. Al HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters.Co pyright 1984-1997 Claris Corporation All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters . All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by him HBAM3016AUG95@ pan unexpected TCP/IP error ( AppleTalk is not enabled ( TCP/IP couldn't be initialized (:the manually set TCP/IP address is configured improperly (Jth e TCP/IP address is already in use or an address could not be obtained ( ; This file is created and used by FileMaker Pro for TCP/IP access. ; It should contain one IP address or host name per line. ; Lines starting with a semicolon are ignored. FileMaker Hosts Local Hosts Specify Host...:FileMaker host name is limited to 32 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarte Helvetica Geneva Pro 3.0 - 4.0F! zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag januari februari maart april augustus september oktober november december 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 12/7/97 textB A Layout #1 A Layout #1B Helvetica Geneva C+This file was created by the Troi plug-in!D Close File Helvetica Geneva 3A*test1234test1234test test1234test1234test files folders apple Internal:Apple Extras:Apple LaserWriter Software: Internal:Apple Extras:Apple Video Player Internal:Apple Extras:AppleScript: Internal:Apple Extras:Register with Apple Internal:Applications:Apple Video Player Internal:Applications:Apple Video Player Guide Internal:Applications:AppleCD Audio Player Internal:Applications:AppleCD Audio Player Guide Internal:System Utils:Apple Error Codes '98 Internal:Apple Extras:Docs:Telecom Documents:Apple Telecom Upgrade Manual Internal:Applications:Retrcations:Retr Searching....Example.fp3 files exactnameder: KES:1-Totale Backup set 2:System Folder:System Extensions (Disabled): filesrs files File SpecificationB Multi Export with Filenames NEW Technique example Multi image import NEW Technique example To Folder List Demo Launch File or Application NEW in 1.2 Search Files NEW in 1.2 Multi PDF Printing NEW Technique example QuitY To File Spec Demo\\ 1997, 1998, Troi Automatisering, Implementation & Design: Peter Baanen, Design & Testing: _ To File Manipulation Demo` go to: www.troi.comd Jean Biverr File Manipulations NEW in 1.2x To Partial Get File Contentsz Function Overview{ Read Me| FMP 4.0 Bug Warning} Order Via Web site To AppendToFile To File Copy/Move Demo To Folder Manipulation Demo3 QuitY To File Spec Demo\\ 1997, 1998, Troi Automatisering, Implementation & Design: Peter Baanen, Design & Testing: _ To File Manipulation Demo` go to: www.troi.comd Jean Biverr File Manipulations NEW in 1.2x To Partial Get File Contentsz Function Overview{ Read Me| FMP 4.0 Bug Warning} Order Via Web site To AppendToFile To File Copy/Move Demo To Folder Manipulation Demo File ManipulationB the Filef Creatorh FileType DateTimeCreated DateTimeModified Clear File Manipulations Get File Contents Get Specs & Contents Filtering files Partial Get File Contents theFileSpec Size on disk Creation Modification _ Data Size Resource Size bytes bytes j Mac only To Menu I'This file will be created: A FMP3 fileW theFileSpec| FileName File Manipulation To Menu File Creation File Deletion Function OverviewB |("TrFile-GetFileCreator" TrFile-GetFileCreator |("TrFile-GetFileType" TrFile-GetFileType |("TrFile-GetDateCreated" TrFile-GetDateCreated |("TrFile-GetTimeCreated" TrFile-GetTimeCreated |("TrFile-GetDateTimeCreated" TrFile-GetDateTimeCreated |("TrFile-GetDateModified" TrFile-GetDateModified |("TrFile-GetTimeModified" TrFile-GetTimeModified |("TrFile-GetDateTimeModified" TrFile-GetDateTimeModified Cancel You pressed cancel. When you cancel a result "$$-1" is returned. In your scripts you should test for this result. ateTimeModified" TrFile-GetDateTimeModified TrFile-GetContents OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe Desktop Folder is found. Now we append the name of a file, "demofile.txt" and this is used to create a new file on the desktop.F\ |("TrFile-SetDefaultCreator" "ttxt") TrFile-SetDefaultCreator ttxt|GV |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "TEXT") TrFile-SetDefaultType TEXT|H9 & "demofile.txt" demofile.txt |("TrFile-CreateFile" TrFile-CreateFile K$file was created ok. (errorcode = 0)L OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe (empty) file "demofile.txt" was created on the desktop.M OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe (empty) file "demofile.txt" could not be created on the desktop. Check if it already exists. I#Troi File Plug-in Function OverviewQ To MenuW Function Overview Print` N.A. = Not Applicableb 1997,1998 Troi Automatiseringe%click a function name to view detailsi Category Read MeB Function DetailsB Dialog Plug-in will display a dialog box, in s" folder. Windows users find the plug-ins in the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory. This bug is fixed in version 4.0v2 and higher. What Troi File Plug-in can do for you: File Manipulation This group of functions makes it possible to save the contents of a (text)field or global to a file. You may calculate a path name or let the user indicate a location on your disks through a Put (Save as...) dialog box. The reverse is also possible: have the user select a file and read it into a field. Additional functions let you query detailed information of a file: the size on disk, creation and modification dates etc. Other manipulations include creation, deletion, copying and moving of files, and the creation of folders. __________________________________________________________________ Who wrote it? Troi File Plug-in was designed and implemented by Peter Baanen of Troi Automatisering . Troi FM Plug-in was designed and tested by Jean Biver of Atelier Informatique . Thanks Jean! You can also visit the Troi web site at: for additional information. Troi may also be reached by postal mail at: Troi Automatisering Vuurlaan 18 2408 NB Alphen a/d Rijn The Netherlands Fax: +31-172-470539 Where can I get the latest version and more information? The latest versions of our software are available for downloading at our web site: Here you will also find late breaking i nformation, company information, FileMaker tips and more. Our software will also be posted (with a week delay) to info-mac (and its mirrors). Go to: or . System Requirements This software should be able to run on any machine that is able to run FileMaker Pro 4.0. Of course you need a copy of FileMaker Pro, this should be a version 4.0v1 or later. This may be the US version or any other localization. _____ _____________________________________________________________ Troi File Plug-in is a commerial product You can try-before-you-buy. This means that you are free and invited to test the plug-in 30 days before you pay. You may also make copies of the original and complete package (including this Read Me file) and distribute it to customers, friends etc. However, you may not distribute a modified or licenced version. Use Troi File Plug-in at your own risk: Although Troi File Plug-in was teste d carefully, we can not be responsible for any damages resulting from using this software. Also please try it out on a test database. Your system may be using an extension (unknown to us) that interferes with the proper functioning of Troi File Plug-in. We like to hear feedback on the benefits and shortcomings of the plug-in. Please include the platform and operating system in your suggestions and comments. What are the costs? Troi Dialog plug-in, Troi File plug-in and Troi Coding plug-in can be purchased separate or at a discount in a bundle of 3 plug-ins. This is the pricing: dialog file coding 3 FM plug-in plug-in plug-in plug-in bundle 1 Single user license: $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 40 2 or more single user licenses (per user): $ 15 $ 15 $ 15 $ 30 Site license: $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 $ 400 World-wide license: $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 900 Developer distribution license: $ 170 $ 170 $ 170 $ 375 A Site License covers all locations for your organization within a 160 kilometer radius of your site (100 miles). One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using the software. A World-Wide License covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth. All Troi Plug-in are available for Macintosh and Windows. When ordering please indicate for which platform you are ordering. Special licences for developers of FileMaker Pro solutions are available. Also sub-licencing is possible. Please contact Troi for information about this. At this moment the plug-in does not work with the FileMaker Pro SDK version 3.0. However it works with the 4.0 Developer edition version. How to pay? Paying for Troi Plug-ins is simple. There are 3 ways to pay: 1) Pay via Kagi with the enclosed Register program 2) Pay via Kagi Online at 3) Pay Troi Automatisering directly (only for users in the Netherlands) 1) Pay Kagi with the enclosed Register program Kagi is a trustworthy payment service which handles payment for a lot of users and software authors . As of end of Nov 1997 Kagi already processed 338505 payments from 7000 authors. To pay open the Register program that accompanies Troi File Plug-in. En ter your name, your email address, and the number of single user licenses you desire for each program you wish to purchase (or Site or World-Wide licenses). Save or Copy or Print the data from the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi. More specifics on the Register program to follow. Kagi handles my payment processing. If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the data to Kagi. Their email address is and their fax number is +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from Register and paste into the body of an email message or you can Save the data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small. If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number. Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgment when it is processed. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days and if y ou provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgment. If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data using the Register application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is: 1442-A Walnut Street #392-5I Berkeley, California 94709-1405 You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via check, it must be a check drawn in US Dollars. Kagi cannot accept checks in other cu rrencies, the conversion rate for non-USD checks is around USD 15 per check and that is just not practical. If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company, you need to act on my behalf and generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end. Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Check or Invoice as the payment method. As far as we know, there is still no technology to transfer physical objects via fax or email and without the payment, the form cannot be processed. Payments sent via postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi whe n the form is processed. 2) Pay via Kagi Online See under 1) for a description of what Kagi payment service is. Kagi has a web page where you can pay via Credit Card. Point your web browser at Fill in the form and follow the instructions. 3) Pay Troi Automatisering directly (only for users in The Netherlands) Please use option 1 or 2 (Pay Kagi) if you live outside the Netherlands. But if you live in The Netherlands you can pay as follows: Troi Dialog plug- in, Troi File plug-in and Troi Coding plug-in can be purchased separate or at a discount in a bundle of 3 plug-ins. This is the pricing: dialog file coding 3 FM plug-in plug-in plug-in plug-in bundle 1 Single user license: fl. 40 fl. 40 fl. 40 fl. 80 2 or more single user licenses (per user): fl. 30 fl. 30 fl. 30 fl. 60 Site license: fl.400 fl.400 fl.200 fl. 800 World-wide license: fl.800 fl.800 fl.800 fl.1800 Developer distribution license: fl.340 fl.340 fl.340 fl. 750 Please pay the appropriate amount to: Bank Name: Postbank NV, Amsterdam Postgiro Account number: 72.29.209 Troi Automatisering Vuurlaan 18 2408 NB Alphen a/d Rijn The Netherlands To indicate for which software you are paying, add a remark like this: Troi F ile Plug-in Macintosh x number of copies and/or Troi File Plug-in Windows x number of copies Please e-mail your payment details as well. Protection and Unlocking the application Troi File Plug-in has a protection scheme. After you pay Troi Automatisering will tell you how to indicate to Troi File Plug-in that you have paid the licence fee. If you do not have an e-mail address, please enter your complete postal address and remember, we do not know what country you live in so please e nter that into the postal address also. After you've supplied the payment data the following is changed: - the unlicenced warning is replaced by your name. - the flash screen that shows at the first time the plug-in is used is removed. Of course also the delay (which is longer after 30 days of use) will be removed. __________________________________________________________________ Bug reports and Wish list If you find a bug, please report this by e-mail: If you have any comments or other functions that you think need to be added, please notify us! We have a lot of ideas for this plug-in, so be sure to check our web site for new plug-ins and improved versions. And please pay for software you keep using, so that the wish list gets reality. Versions 1.2.1 (10-Jan-99) - added a built-in 'register function' for developers of runtimes. - added the multi-import sample. - fixed a bug with CreateFile on Windows. If the file exists the CreateFile now returns erro r code $$-48 (Duplicate FileName). In this situation also on Mac $$-48 is returned (was $$-1) - added more example files (multi-image import multi HTML export) 1.2 (03-Jul-98) - clearer errorcodes returned by TrFile-Launch function. - added TrFile-FolderList function - added TrFile-Launch function - removed the startup flash screen. Now a flash screen is shown the first time the plug-in functionality is used. This flash screen is removed after payment of the licence fee. - added example demonstrating Multiple import and export. - added example demonstrating Multiple creation using PDFWriter. - improved handling of FSSpec to FullPath. 1.1 (29-4-98) - added create folder - added find folder - added file copy and move - file copy now returns an errorcode if destination file exists - added partial read and appendToFile - added Multiple file export demonstration - split into 3 separate plugins: Troi Dialog Plug-in, Troi Coding Plug-in and Troi File Plug-in 1.0 (29-1-98) Fir` st release - fixed a bug on 68k machines which disposed of a pointer improperly. Thanks for supporting our software, Peter Baanen mirrors). Go to: or . System Requirements This software should be able to run on any machine that is able to run FileMaker Pro 4.0. Of course you need a copy of FileMaker Pro, this should be a version 4.0v1 or later. This may be the US version or any other localizati e them. You may want to install other plug-ins before proceeding. Then (re)start FileMaker Pro. The Troi File Plug-in will display a dialog box, indicating that it is loading and showing the registration status. You can now open the file "File Example.fp3" to see how to use the plug-in's functions. There is also a Function overview in this file. UPGRADING FROM TROI FM PLUG-IN 1.0 Current licenced users of our Troi FM Plug-in 1.0 can upgrade for free to the 3 replacing plug-ins: Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.2.1, Troi File Plug-in 1.2.1 and Troi Coding Plug-in 1.2. These 3 new plug-ins will recognize the payment data of Troi FM Plug-in 1.0. -For Macintosh: remove the "Troi FM Plug-in" file from the "FileMaker Extensions" folder. Put the file "Troi File Plug-in" from the folder "MacOS Plug-in" into the "FileMaker Extensions" folder in th To MenuE PrintF Troi File Plug-in Read Me To MenuE PrintF Troi File Plug-in Read Me To MenuE PrintF Troi File Plug-in Read Me r Pro 4 folder. If you have installed previous versions of this plug-in, you must remove them. -For Windows: remove the "Troi FM Plug-in" file from the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory. Put the file "trfile.fmx" from the directory "Windows Plug-in" into the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory . If you have installed previous versions of this plug-in, you must remove them. You may want to install other plug-ins before proce eding. Then (re)start FileMaker Pro. The Troi File Plug-in will display a dialog box, indicating that it is loading and showing the registration status. IMPORTANT: - Please make sure you remove "Troi FM Plug-in" file in order to be able to use the new features. - Also please change your test script for the presence of the plug-in. Instead of the following test: If [ Left(External("Troi-Version"; "") ; 15 ) <> "Troi FM Plug-in"] Beep Namee Parametersf Descriptiong Wini! 1997, 1998, Troi Automatiseringl Added in Version I Troi File Plug-in Function SpecsQ OverviewW FunctionZ Print` N.A. = Not Applicable File Copy And MoveB Thanks for helping out!Q to menu` go to: %AnJean Biver Atelier Informatique 33, rue Mathias Cungs L-3446 Dudelange Luxembourg f/Troi really appreciates the inspiring ideas of: source FileSpec File Copy and Move q File Copy r File Move destination FileSpec result wA>Warning: This is a powerful feature. Be careful what you do! x")] i separatorj Generaln 66,3373209844983u Troi-Set Default Separatorf Changes the default separator text to the given separator. The new separator will be used until FileMaker is quit or an other separator is specified. The separator text is used by the plug-in to split one parameter into multiple parts. At FileMaker startup the separator text defaults to "|". Use this function if you want to specify a parameter part which has the current separator in it. Example usage: Set Field[gDontCare, External(Troi-Set Default Separator, "<->")] Tip: specify a separaB(tor you know won't be in any parameters. i separatorj Generaln ,78354403413065u TrFile-FolderListf 3List the content of a folder (directory). Parameters: switches: FileSpec : the path to the folder to list. You can also use this function to rename a file. See also the functions "TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" to get a FileSpec for a folder TrFile-CreateFile to create a new empty file. switches | FileSpecj Filesn 565,037997236959u Helvetica Geneva Arial Times New Roman Monaco Courier Times Futura Courier New Palatino A Open file ) = 2 !A File Manipulation: Simple Dialog Cancel "You can import a TEXT file in one step using the function: External ("TrFile-GetFileContents" ; "") The following dialog lets you select a file.BN |("TrFile-ContentsDialog" TrFile-ContentsDialog "A&File Manipulation: FSSpec to Full Path |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath #A&File Manipulation: Full Path to FSSpec A File Manipulation: Use File Spec Cancel To get the File Specification of any file, use the function: External ("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" ; "")C |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Please select a file:") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Please select a file:| A File Manipulation: Create a file A4Important: ALWAYS check if the plug-in is available!B)Check if this is FileMaker 4.0 or higher.CQ 1)) < 4 Canceld This file requires FileMaker 4.0 or higherE/Check if the correct Troi Plug-in is available.F |("TrFile-Version" "") 17 ) <> "Troi File Plug-in" TrFile-Version Troi File Plug-in ) = 1 Canceld Troi File Plug-in not found. Please put the Troi File Plug-in into the Extensions folder inside the FileMaker folder. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Canceld Troi File Plug-in not found. Please put the Troi File Plug-in into the SYSTEM directory inside the FileMaker directory. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. = "" Cancel Specify a File first.D |("TrFile-AppendContents" "This part was written at: " & )) & TrFile-AppendContents This part was written at: <> 0 Cancel An error occurred. VA!File Manip: GoTo Append to a file WA'TEST LOOP: File Manip: Append to a file d puts this on the desktop |("TrFile-CreateFile" TrFile-CreateFile H$File was created ok. (errorcode = 0)I OK8C4 Title WORF Cancel FMP3 dW data #259072 2 Title_fp3- WORF The empty file was created. Add lines to it by clicking on the "Append a line" button.J OK8C4 Title WORF Cancel FMP3 dW data #259072 2 Title_fp3- WORF The file could not be created, it might already exists. Be sure you want to append to this file.Kd |("Troi-DoDialog" "You pressed cancel.") Troi-DoDialog You pressed cancel.| File Manip: Append to a file A+Specify a file and puts this on the desktop A+Specify a file and puts this on the desktopB |("TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" "Where should I create a file?|DemoFile.fp3") TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog *Where should I create a file?|DemoFile.fp3|C; 2 ) "$$" |("TrFile-SetDefaultFileSpec" TrFile-SetDefaultFileSpec |("TrFile-SetDefaultCreator" "FMP3") TrFile-SetDefaultCreator FMP3|FV |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "FMP3") TrFile-SetDefaultType FMP3|GJ |("TrFile-CreateFile" TrFile-CreateFile I$File was created ok. (errorcode = 0)JK |("TrFile-SetContents" TrFile-SetContents |("Troi-Set Default Separator" "|") Troi-Set Default Separator folder path FolderList (using a script) To Menu s$switches, determining what is listed uDthese 2 switches have the same effect: show also aliases (shortcuts) list all files w%show also invisible files and folders x)(Win only) show also directories . and .. list all folders (directories) command used |A8terminology: Mac Windows folder directory alias shortcut gFolderList Get FolderList To Field Version 2) Click Here #1) Type a full path + set switchesV W$switches, determining what is listed| folder path FolderList (using a script) To Menu command used Button 2 Clear File Spec Cancel Maximize OKncel PageDo you want to erase all file spec information?B+ ) = 2 Quit button dialog |("Troi-Version" "") 15 ) = "Troi FM Plug-in" Troi-Version Troi FM Plug-in A Full PathB BooleanC TEST Cond value (does not work)D CategoriesE TEST Cond value2 (does not work)G Folder List SwitchesI Search Switches |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Please select a file first:") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Please select a file first:|B; 2 ) "$$" OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion First we read from the 5th character, with a length of 6 characters.D_ |("TrFile-GetContents" & "|5 |6 ") TrFile-GetContents |5 |6 OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion Now we read 30 characters from the 10th character.F_ |("TrFile-GetContents" & "|10|30") TrFile-GetContents |10|30 OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion Now we read all from the 10th character.H] |("TrFile-GetContents" & "|10|0") TrFile-GetContents |10|0 trfile-getfilecreato@ FPTHA MSPC@ NAMEA RPTH@ FPTH@ MSPC@ NAMEA RPTH@ FPTH@ alisA LISTA All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himself Peter peters. All by himselfby himselfeters. All by himselfeters. All by himselfimselfimselfby himselfby himselfby himselfelfimselfimselfs. All by himself textB gNumberB gVersionB |("TrFile-Version" TrFile-Version gTheFile Troi File Plug-in Troi File Plug-in is copyright 1998, 1999 of Troi Automatisering. All rights reserved (10-Jan-99). Thank you for your interest in Troi File Plug-in. This FileMaker Pro 4 plug-in adds File Manipulation: save or read a field from or to a file. Other manipulations like deleting files, creating folders are also possible. This cross-platform plug-in enhances Filemaker Pro 4. Finally you can do things you thought were still impossible to do with FileMaker 4. Now you can crea te powerful databases by using this plug-in! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLING A (TROI) PLUG-IN FOR THE FIRST TIME. -For Macintosh: put the file "Troi File Plug-in" from the folder "MacOS Plug-in" into the "FileMaker Extensions" folder in the FileMaker Pro 4 folder. If you have installed previous versions of this plug-in, you must remove them. -For Windows: put the file "troiplug.fmx" from the directory "Windows Plug-in" into the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the File |("TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" "Where should I create a folder?|DemoFolder") TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog *Where should I create a folder?|DemoFolder|C; 2 ) "$$" |("TrFile-CreateFolder" TrFile-CreateFolder F$File was created ok. (errorcode = 0)G} OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe folder was created.H OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe folder was could not be created. Check if it already exists.Id |("Troi-DoDialog" "You pressed cancel.") Troi-DoDialog You pressed cancel.| dA+Folder Manip: Create a File with FindFolder ) = 1 B8if on Mac add a colon ":" to the full path, if not thereC^ 1) <> ":" D8if on Win add a colon "\" to the full path, if not thereE^ 1) <> "\" To Multi export Import Image Data imp: Do Multi Image Import A-Specify a folder and puts this on the desktop OK pRF FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataYou can find special folders (directories) by using the function: "TrFile-FindFolder". You can find the system folder, preferences folder, root folder and others. In this example we first find the Desktop Folder.CT |("TrFile-FindFolder" "desktop") TrFile-FindFolder desktop|D; 2 ) "$$" F FNDR dw Cancel631000 1DC0 Apple Guide WORF INIT dw dataThe (empty) file "demofile.txt" could not be created on the desktop. Check if it already exists. TEST: FindFolder A(TEST for using all FindFolder functions. e-FindFolder system| Check if it already exists. To Menu Check FILE plug-in Show Message ["Troi FM Plug-in not found. .etc."] Exit Script Endif Make the following test: If [ Left(External("TrFile-Version"; "") ; 17 ) <> "Troi File Plug-in"] Beep Show Message ["Troi File Plug-in not found. .etc."] Exit Script Endif Add tests for the other 2 plug-ins as well (if you use the functionality): If [ Left(External("TrDl-Version"; "" ) ; 19 ) <> "Troi Dialog Plug-in"] ... and If [ Left(External("TrCo-Version"; "") ; 19 ) <> "Troi Coding Plug-in"] ... Warning: There is a problem in FileMaker 4.0v1. Please make sure that all plug-ins that are in the folder "FileMaker Extensions" are enabled in the preferences (Under Edit/ Preferences/ Application/ Plug-ins). Make sure all plug-ins have a cross before their name. Remove plug-ins you don't use from the "FileMaker Extension }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` A(gNumber has the repetition number in it.B are we ready?D% H >= no: tab to the next repetitionF increase the numberG' H + 1 Imp: Locate import file A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Find the import file") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Find the import file|D] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Imp: Locate first image hK)[a` VAt?z aryZ~\v Search a volume (disk) for a file or folder (directory). Parameter 1: switches: this can be one or more of the following: files search for files folders search for folders exactname the filename must exactly match the searchname showaliases search also aliases (shortcuts) showshortcuts search also aliases (shortcuts) (you can use the one you like) showinvisibles search also invisible files and folders Parameter 2: Volume : the name of the volume on which to search Parameter 3: SeB archName : the (part of the) filename or foldername you want to find Example: TrFile-Search"; "files &folders |Mac HD: | test") At the moment you can only search a complete volume. switches | Volume | SearchNamej Filesn 565,037997236959u Filesn 565,037997236959u gFolderSpecB errorDescriptionCalcB = "0" "= No error." = "$$-35" "= No such volume (Wrong disk name or not mounted)." = "$$-43" "= File not found." = "$$-50" "= Parameter error." = "$$-120" "= Directory not found." " ") = No error. $$-35 2= No such volume (Wrong disk name or not mounted). $$-43 = File not found. $$-50 = Parameter error. $$-120 = Directory not found. gSearchSpecB gSearchResultsB gSearchCommandB Ad"External(""TrFile-Search""; """ & " &") & " |" & " |" & Q & """)" nal("TrFile-Search"; " Function Details (work)B orcode if something went wrong To Menu Multi Export with Filenames st:|B; 2 ) "$$" OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion First we read from the 5th character, with a length of 6 characters.D_ |("TrFile-GetContents" & "|5 |6 ") TrFile-GetContents |5 |6 OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion Now we read 30 characters from the 10th character. |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe |("TrFile-FindFolder" "controlpanels") TrFile-FindFolder controlpanels|Ra |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe |("TrFile-FindFolder" "extensions") TrFile-FindFolder extensions|Ua |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe |("TrFile-FindFolder" "preferences") TrFile-FindFolder preferences|Xa |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe |("TrFile-FindFolder" "temporary") TrFile-FindFolder temporary|[a |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe A+Specify a file and puts this on the desktopB! = "" Cancel Specify a File first.D |("TrFile-AppendContents" "This part was written at: " & )) & TrFile-AppendContents This part was written at: <> 0 Cancel An error occurred. YA%File Manip: Partial Get File Contents with FindFolder Clear File Spec ----- Documentation etc ------ Print Function Specs Copy Parameters : WWW: Goto web site: WWW: Order via web site Print this record BeepBeep TEST: FindFolder D'TEST LOOP: File Manip: Append to a file Select File Alpha: Launch File J!File Manip: Export with filenames File Manip: Export |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe TrFile-FindFolder system|em| TA$File Manip: Append to a file (start) |("TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" "Where should I create a file?|Test.txt") TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog &Where should I create a file?|Test.txt|B; 2 ) "$$" |("TrFile-SetDefaultFileSpec" TrFile-SetDefaultFileSpec |("TrFile-SetDefaultCreator" "ttxt") TrFile-SetDefaultCreator ttxt|EV |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "TEXT") TrFile-SetDefaultType TEXT| BeepBeep |("TrFile-FindFolder" "root") TrFile-FindFolder root|^a |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe Check for NO Troi FM plug-in A4Important: ALWAYS check if the plug-in is available!B)Check if this is FileMaker 4.0 or higher.Cy |("Troi-Version" "") 15 ) = "Troi FM Plug-in" Troi-Version Troi FM Plug-in ) = 1 |("TrFile-CreateFile" &"DeleteMe") TrFile-CreateFile DeleteMe |("TrFile-FindFolder" "applemenu") TrFile-FindFolder applemenu| Launch File = "" Cancel Please select a file to launch first.CA |("TrFile-Launch" TrFile-Launch Exp: Do Multi export |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile |("TrFile-CopyFile" C & "|" & TrFile-CopyFile <> 0 ) = 1 "files folders" files foldersV0 "files folders" files foldersW |("Troi-Set Default Separator" "|") Troi-Set Default Separator Canceld Troi FM Plug-in is still installed, so new plug-in features won't be enabled. Please remove the Troi FM Plug-in from the Extensions folder inside the FileMaker folder. Canceld Troi FM Plug-in is still installed, so new plug-in features won't be enabled. Please remove the Troi FM Plug-in from the SYSTEM directory inside the FileMaker directory. Select File |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Please select a file:") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Please select a file:|C: 2) <>"$$" A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Locate the first image") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Locate the first image|D] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Locate the first image|D] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Locate the first image") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Locate the first image|D] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath rFile-SetDefaultType A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType An Error occured. See the layout for an explantion of errors. A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType |the repetition number in it.B are we ready?D% H >= no: tab to the next repetitionF increase the numberG' H + 1 Imp: Locate import file A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType A"set no filtering of visible files:BN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType An Error occured. See the layout for an explantion of errors. }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` ONML"" ONML"" ONML"" FRPTH FPTHAFWORF:Projecten:Troi FM MSPCA NAMEA RPTHA 1RPTH FPTHA1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif FaliA import.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif MSPCA NAMEA import.gif RPTHA import.gif alisA import.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif CRECORDCOUNT FUNCTIONINVERSION GFULLPATH Pro 3.0 - 4.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.1M1 }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` ~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@! ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~` ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` ~`~@~`~@ } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~` ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~` ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~` ~`~@~`~@ ~@~@~ } }`} }`} ~`~@~` ~@~@~ `~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~` }`} }` ~`~@~`~@~` }`} } } }`} }`} }`}` ~`~@~` } }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~@~ }`} }`} }`} }` }`} } }`} }`}` ~`~@~`~@ ~@~@~ }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~` }`} }`} }`} }` ~`~@~`~@~` }`} } } }`} }`} }`}` } }`} ~`~@~`~@~` }`} }`} }`} }` ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~` } }`} }` }`} }`} }`} ~`~@~`~@~`~@ ~@~`~@~`~@~` } }`} }`} }` ~`~@~`~@ } }`} }` GIF89a *~d'2e trimport.gif cGIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif MenuB TrFile-Versionf BExample usage: External(TrFile-Version, "") will return "Troi File Plug-in 1.0". Important: always use this function to determine if the plug-in is loaded. If the plug-in is not loaded use of external functions may result in data loss, as FileMaker will return an empty field to any external function that is not loaded. nonej Filesn About FileSpec FolderList O = "" Cancel Please select a folder to list first.C_ |("TrFile-ListFolder" K & "|" & TrFile-ListFolder FolderList (Select Folder) |("TrFile-FindFolder" "root") TrFile-FindFolder root|B] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath A To FolderList (Scripted Version) errors. Open file Set all globals To Menu Quit button dialog ----- General ------ Check FILE plug-in Check for NO Troi FM plug-in ----- File Manipulation ------ File Manipulation: Simple Dialog File Manipulation: Use File Spec .File Manipulation: Get File Contents & Details File Manipulation: Create a file File Manipulation: Delete a file ,File Manipulation: Toggle FSSpec / Full Path &File Manipulation: FSSpec to Full Path &File Manipulation: Full Path to FSSpec File Manip: Filtering Files File Manip: Copy a file File Manip: Move a file &!File Manip: GoTo Append to a file ($File Manip: Append to a file (start) File Manip: Append to a file ,%File Manip: Partial Get File Contents Folder Manip: Create a Folder 0+Folder Manip: Create a File with FindFolder Clear File Spec To Multi export ----- Multi Export ------ Export Data Exp: Locate Export file Exp: Locate destination folder Exp: Do Multi export "biff" 64000 -1) -1) & "biff" & ) & ".gif" |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile |("TrFile-CopyFile" & "|" & TrFile-CopyFile <> 0 Export Cancelh Replace An Error occured. See the layout for an explantion of errors.G' imp: goto right repetition UtNOTES: - on Windows you can also open directories. - on Windows if the file is already open it will open it again. Possible Returned error codes $$-35 = No such volume (Wrong disk name or not mounted). $$-43 = File not found. $$-50 = Parameter error. $$-120 = Directory not found. Multi ExportB want to export, run this script: ABEE>> files are exported with the number of records in the name: Example: EXP32.TAB destinat. exp.filename gErrorCode Multi Image ImportB ite checkbox to overwrite. U*This technique can also be used for Importing records or images from multiple files. How does it work? Multi Image ImportB Export Data Exp: Locate Export file |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Give a file to copy") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Give a file to copy|B] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Exp: Locate destination folder Exp: Check Folder Spec |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Give a file to copy") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Give a file to copy|B] |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Exp: Locate destination folder Exp: Check Folder Spec File Manipulation: Simple Dialog File Manipulation: Use File Spec .File Manipulation: Get File Contents & Details File Manipulation: Create a file File Manipulation: Delete a file ,File Manipulation: Toggle FSSpec / Full Path &File Manipulation: FSSpec to Full Path &File Manipulation: Full Path to FSSpec File Manip: Filtering Files File Manip: Copy a file File Manip: Move a file &!File Manip: GoTo Append to a file ($File Manip: Append to a file (start) File Manip: Append to a file ,%File Manip: Partial Get File Contents Folder Manip: Create a Folder 0+Folder Manip: Create a File with FindFolder CRECORDCOUNT ERRORDESCRIPTIONCALC FOLDERLISTCALC FOLDERLISTCOUNTCALC FUNCTIONCATEGORY FUNCTIONDESCRIPTION FUNCTIONID *DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONID export FileSpec Export to Multiple files* q Export 1x destination Folder To Menu step 1 Locate the Export file step 2 This example creates an export file called in the folder of this FMP-file. You might want to change that: it s in the script Export Data !A) You have to do this only ONCE: Please find the exported file. Create a destination folder step 3 TSpecify a destination folder. You can also type in a full path to the folder below. Do Multi Export ,B) When you want to export, run this script: ABEE>> files are exported with the number of records in the name: Example: EXP32.TAB destinat. exp.filename gErrorCode By default files are not overwritten. Use this checkbox if you want to overwrite existing files. (See the script for how to do this with the TrFile-DeleFile function. overwrite Files? TError -48 (Mac) or 80 (Win) = files exists. Set the overwrite checkbox to overwrite. cRecordCountB gDestExportFSSpecB gOverwriteExpFilesB gContainerB gNumber2B gImagesPathsB gFolderListB gFolderListSwitchesB gFolderListCommandB AX"External(""TrFile-ListFolder""; """ & " &") & " |" & O & """)" External("TrFile-ListFolder"; " FolderListCalcB K <> "" O <> "" |("TrFile-ListFolder" " &") & " |" & "" TrFile-ListFolder GFULLPATH GIMAGESPATHS GNUMBER GNUMBER2 GOVERWRITEEXPFILES GSEARCHCOMMAND GSEARCHCOMMENTS GSEARCHRESULTS GSEARCHSPEC GSEARCHSWITCHES GSEARCHVOLUME GTEXT GTHECREATOR GTHEDATASIZE GTHEDATECREATED GTHEDATEMODIFIED GTHEDATETIMECREATED GTHEDATETIMEMODIFIED GTHEFILE GTHEFILESIZE GTHEFILESPEC GTHEFILETYPE GTHERESSIZE GTHETIMECREATED GTHETIMEMODIFIED GUSERINPUT GVERSION GXPLATFORMRETURN RANDOMNR SEARCHRESULTSCOUNTCALC gTheFile U*This technique can also be used for Importing records or images from multiple files. How does it work? ----- FolderList ------ To FolderList Demo O = "" ) = 1 |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" |("TrFile-FindFolder" "root") ) "C:" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath TrFile-FindFolder root|| A Do Search Q = "" Cancel Please select a file name to search for first.C "Searching...." Searching.... errors. ----- File Manipulation ------ ----- General ------ ----- Documentation etc ------ File Manip: Copy a file Get the source fileB~ |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Give a file to copy") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Give a file to copy| ) = 1 |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Please choose a file:") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Please choose a file:| Cancel The Macintosh lets you distinguish files by their file type. To list only specific files in a "TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" function, you can set one or more filters by using the function: External ("TrFile-SetDefaultType" ; "") Cancel The following example lets you select a file of type 'FMP3' and 'TEXT'. If you don't see any files in the current folder, browse to a folder where you find FileMaker Pro files and/or text files.G^ |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "FMP3TEXT") TrFile-SetDefaultType FMP3TEXT| ultType |("TrFile-Search" T & "|"& U & "|" & TrFile-Search W > 0 "Nothing Found!") Nothing Found!2 To Search Demo U= "" ) = 1 |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" |("TrFile-FindFolder" "root") ) "C:" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath TrFile-FindFolder root|| TEST Search Loop "aa" "bb" "ee" "ff") Multi Ex-/Import ExplanationB import FileSpec Import of multiple images q Import 1x source file Folder To Menu step 1 Locate the imported file step 2 This example imports a file called trimport.gif that is already in the folder of this FMP-file. You might want to change that: it s in the script Import Image Data export FileSpec Import of multiple images* q Export 1x destination Folder To Menu step 1 Locate the Export file step 2 !A) You have to do this only ONCE: /Please find this imported file trimport.gif Locate the first image step 3 8locate the first image to import in the folder images Do Multi Import ,B) When you want to import, run this script: 4 images are imported. ilename Example: EXP32.TAB destinat. exp.filename By default files are not overwritten. Use this checkbox if you want to overwrite existing files. (See the script for how to do this with the TrFile-DeleFile function. overwrite Files? TError -48 (Mac) or 80 (Win) = files exists. Set the overwrite checkbox to overwrite. U*This technique can also be used for Importing records or images from multiple files. gContainer gNumber clear images Images Paths How does it work? 8GE*) |("TrFile-FullPath To FileSpec" TrFile-FullPath To FileSpec File Manip: Filtering Files Cancel You can get a "TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" function to display all files (No filtering).CN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType Uo Multi Image Import imp: goto right repetition Imp: Locate import file Imp: Locate first image Imp: Clear fields ----- FolderList ------ FolderList FolderList (Select Folder) To FolderList Demo \ To FolderList (Scripted Version) Launch File Select File ----- Multi PDFs ------ To Multi PDF Printing Print one PDF Exp: Locate PDF file Do Multi PDFs ----- Search ------ To Search Demo p Do Search ----- Documentation etc ------ Print Function Specs Copy Parameters x WWW: Goto web site: WWW: Order via web site Print this record BeepBeep ----- Troi Test scripts ------ TEST: FindFolder 'TEST LOOP: File Manip: Append to a file TEST Search Loop OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaAre you sure you want to delete this file?H+ ) = 1 |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile K!File was deleted. (errorcode = 0)L OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file has been deleted.M OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file ould not be deleted.N OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file was not deleted. ;NYou pressed cancel. A File Manipulation: Delete a file import FileSpec Export of multiple images q Import 1x destination Folder To Menu step 1 (LIST LISTA Full Path VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTAIfiles folders showaliases showshortcuts showinvisibles showpointdirs VDEFA( (LIST ointdirs FolderListCountCalcB FPTHA8WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:images:import.gif FaliA import.gif GIFfGKON images 8WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:images:import.gif MSPCA NAMEA import.gif RPTHA :images:import.gif alisA import.gif GIFfGKON images 8WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:images:import.gif FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif 8RPTH Imp: Clear fields To Multi Import ----- Multi Export ------ ----- Multi Image Import ------ |("Troi-DoDialog" "Do you want to quit the FileMaker application as well?|OK|No||Cancel") Troi-DoDialog DDo you want to quit the FileMaker application as well?|OK|No||Cancel|C OK1F1F1F1F1 F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1 Noncel1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1 Cancel1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1Do you want to quit the FileMaker application as well?D+ ) = 1 ) = 2 Print Function Specs ) < 601 Copy Parameters Cancel Do you want to copy the parameters?B+ ) = 1 Exp: Check Folder Spec ----- Multi Image Import ------ To Multi Import v2 To Multi Import Import Image Data imp: Do Multi Image Import imp: goto right repetition Imp: Locate import file Imp: Locate first image Imp: Clear fields ----- FolderList ------ FolderList FolderList (Select Folder) To FolderList Demo \ To FolderList (Scripted Version) Launch File Select File ----- Multi PDFs ------ To Multi PDF Printing Print one PDF Exp: Locate PDF file Do Multi PDFs ----- Search ------ To Search Demo p Do Search ----- Documentation etc ------ Print Function Specs Copy Parameters x WWW: Goto web site: WWW: Order via web site Print this record BeepBeep ----- Troi Test scripts ------ TEST: FindFolder 'TEST LOOP: File Manip: Append to a file TEST Search Loop RPTHA trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif 3RPTH FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif MSPCA NAMEA trimport.gif RPTHA :trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif NAMEA trimport.gif MSPCA 3RPTH FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif Version) Launch File Select File ----- Documentation etc ------ Print Function Specs Copy Parameters f WWW: Goto web site: WWW: Order via web site Print this record BeepBeep TEST: FindFolder p'TEST LOOP: File Manip: Append to a file Search How does Multi im/export work? FileMaker Limitation FileMaker has the limitation that in a script it can only export to a fixed file, or ask the user for a file name. You can not specify the file by a calculation in a script. The same limitations apply when importing records or images. 'The way around this limitation (export) The idea is to let FileMaker do the export to a fixed file first and then copy that exported file to the desired location, giving it the wanted name at the same time. This can be done with the Troi file plug-in in a script by the following steps: Export Records [Restore, No dialog,] export to a fixed location Set Field [gDestExportFSSpec, gTheFileSpec & "EXP" & Stat] calculate the filepath of the destination Set Field [gErrorCode, External("TrFile-CopyFile"; gExportFSSpec & "|" &gDestExportFSSpec)] copy the file to the destination Exit Loop If [...] End Loop the destination Exit Loop If [...] End Loop 2 ) = "$$" |("TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" "Were should I move it?") TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog Were should I move it?|D; 2 ) = "$$" |("TrFile-MoveFile" & "|" & TrFile-MoveFile WWW: Order via web site . Button 2 Print this record BeepBeep 2 ) = "$$" |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Get the destinationF |("TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" "Where should I save it?") TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog Where should I save it?|G; 2 ) = "$$" Here is the copying done:IZ |("TrFile-CopyFile" & "|" & TrFile-CopyFile |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath File Manip: Move a file |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Give a file to copy") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Give a file to copy| =1000 Print one PDF ----- Multi PDFs ------ Do Multi PDFs |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile d name at the same time. This can be done with the Troi file plug-in in a script by the following steps: !GThe sample scripts are a bit more elaborated and do error checking etc. hFor import the idea is this almost the same: First copy the file to be imported to a fixed file. Then let FileMaker do the import of this fixed file. This works with importing records, pictures and movies. See the sample scripts for more details. One limitation remains: at this moment we know of no way to do a multi-import of pictures by storing a reference. #'The way around this limitation (import) To Menu to multi export to multi import Multi Image Import CopyB +A,File Manipulation: Toggle FSSpec / Full Path " = "" "Full Path" Full PathC ,A WWW: Goto web site: Cancel Do you want to connect to Troi's web site?B+ ) = 1 Cancel Do you want to connect to Troi's web site?B+ ) = 1 |("TrFile-GetDateTimeModified" TrFile-GetDateTimeModified TrFile-GetContents OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion If you read from beyond the end of the file errorcode $$-39 is returned.Jg |("TrFile-GetContents" & "|200000|10") TrFile-GetContents |200000|10 OKsrc #28 2808 Web Compani Cancel WORF FMXT dw da a #334062 2866 Web Companion You pressed cancel. When you cancel a result ""$$-1"" is returned. In your scripts you should test for this result. Folder Manip: Create a Folder A-Specify a folder and puts this on the desktop |10|0 FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif MSPCA NAMEA trimport.gif RPTHA :trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FRPTH FPTHAFWORF:Projecten:Troi FM MSPCA NAMEA RPTHA 1RPTH FPTHA1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif FaliA import.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif MSPCA NAMEA import.gif RPTHA import.gif alisA import.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 1WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:import.gif RPTHA trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif 3RPTH FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif MSPCA NAMEA trimport.gif RPTHA trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif NAMEA trimport.gif MSPCA 3RPTH FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FPTHA3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif FaliA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif MSPCA NAMEA trimport.gif RPTHA trimport.gif alisA trimport.gif GIFfGKON batch image import 3WORF:Desktop Folder:batch image import:trimport.gif XRPTH FPTHAXKES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:FILE:Troi-File-Plug-in1.2.1:ImageImp.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA ImageImp.fp3 RPTHA ImageImp.fp3 Locate the imported file step 2 This example imports a file called trimport.gif that is already in the folder of this FMP-file. You might want to change that: it s in the script Import Image Data !A) You have to do this only ONCE: /Please find this imported file trimport.gif Locate the first image step 3 8locate the first image to import in the folder images Do Multi Import ,B) When you want to import, run this script: 4 images are imported. clear images Images Paths How does it work? FolderListB Multi PDF PrintB Directory not found. 3) Set switches 1) Select the disk to search Multi PDF PrintB W$switches, determining what is listed| folder path @A$FolderList (using field calculation) To Menu K(below the command used to get this list: NEW in 1.2 Type a full path PA8terminology: Mac Windows folder directory alias shortcut FolderList calculation # of items found ]Dthese 2 switches have the same effect: show also aliases (shortcuts) list all files _%show also invisible files and folders `FWindows: show also directories . and .. Mac OS: this switch is ignored list all folders (directories) Change switches To Scripted Version FolderList scriptedB Open a file with the program that has registered it. Parameter: FileSpec : the path to the file to launch. On the Mac the program that opens it is determined by the Filetype of the file. On windows this is determined by the extension of the file. So a text file "ReadMe.txt" will usually be opened by SimpleText (Mac) or WordPad (Windows). Example: a pdf file "userguide.pdf" will be opened by Acrobat reader. Example 2: this will open a file in MS Word: External ("TrFile-Launch" ; C:\EB XAMPLE\README.WRD") Possible Returned error codes: $$-35 = No such volume (Wrong disk name or not mounted). $$-43 = File not found. $$-50 = Parameter error. $$-120 = Directory not found. FileSpecj Filesn 565,037997236959u TrFile-Searchf 565,037997236959u |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "PDF ") TrFile-SetDefaultType PDF |B |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Locate the Printed PDF") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog Locate the Printed PDF|C; 2) <> "$$" |("TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath" TrFile-FileSpec To FullPath Cancel The next step will delete the just selected PDF file This is needed for the multi printing to work. Do you want to delete it?F* ) =2 |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile To Multi PDF Printing ----- Troi Test scripts ------ ----- Search ------ To Multi Import v2 the FileSpec Launch To Menu 1-Select File 2-Launch it! returned ErrorCode With this function you can open files in the the application that has registered it. Example1: a text file "ReadMe.txt" will be opened by WordPad (Win) or SimpleText (Mac) Example2: a pdf file "userguide.pdf" will be opened by Acrobat reader. 1-Select File 2-Launch it! returned ErrorCode With this function you can open files in the the application that has registered it. Example1: a text file "ReadMe.txt" will be opened by WordPad (Win) or SimpleText (Mac) Example2: a pdf file "userguide.pdf" will be opened by Acrobat reader. - on Windows you can also open directories. - on Windows if the file is already open it will open it again. A+Specify a file and puts this on the desktopBN |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" TrFile-SetDefaultType |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Select a file to DELETE WARNING: Deletion cannot be undone.") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog ;Select a file to DELETE WARNING: Deletion cannot be undone.|D; 2 ) = "$$" User pressed cancelF| OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaDeletion was canceled. SearchB erminology: Mac Windows folder directory alias shortcut z Search Results (<< ABFH>> found) LISTAFfiles folders exactname showaliases showshortcuts showinvisibles VDEFA( gSearchSwitchesB gSearchVolumeB SearchResultsCountCalcB gSearchCommentsB External("TrFile-Search"; " Set all globals TrFile-DeleteFile K!File was deleted. (errorcode = 0)L OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file has been deleted.M OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file ould not be deleted.N OKns of thi Pug-in, you must re Cancelem. (Re)start FileMaker Pr . The Troi FM plug-in will displaThe file was not deleted. Set all globals search for files with name Search To Menu o$switches, determining what is listed qDthese 2 switches have the same effect: show also aliases (shortcuts) list all files s%show also invisible files and folders search for the exact filename list all folders (directories) command used xA8terminology: Mac Windows folder directory alias shortcut z Search Results (<< ABFH>> found) B'Select just 10 records to start with...C"Now we loop to do the multi exportDH & "Demo" & ) & ".PDF" F = "Yes" |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile |("TrFile-MoveFile" C & "|" & TrFile-MoveFile <> 0 Export Cancelh Replace An Error occured. See the layout for an explantion of errors.J+ ) = 1 Exp: Locate PDF file ges from multiple files. PDF FileSpec Print to Multiple PDFs Print 1x destination Folder To Menu step 1 Locate the Printed file step 2 You need PDFWriter as printer installed. If so this example creates an pdf file called untitled on the desktop folder. The script doing this is called Print one PDF" !A) You have to do this only ONCE: Please find the PDF file. Create a destination folder step 3 TSpecify a destination folder. You can also type in a full path to the folder below. Do Multi PDFs ,B) When you want to export, run this script: T10 PDF files are printed with the number of records in the name: Example: Demo32.PDF destinat. exp.filename gErrorCode By default files are not overwritten. Use this checkbox if you want to overwrite existing files. (See the script for how to do this with the TrFile-DeleFile function. overwrite Files? TError -48 (Mac) or 80 (Win) = files exists. Set the overwrite checkbox to overwrite. ges from multiple files. U*This technique can also be used for Importing records or images from multiple files. How does it work? |("TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog" "Select a FileMaker file or a TEXT file:") TrFile-Get FileSpec Dialog 'Select a FileMaker file or a TEXT file:|I Reset the default type. JOIf not specified the type 'TEXT' is used with the function "TrFile-CreateFile"KV |("TrFile-SetDefaultType" "TEXT") TrFile-SetDefaultType TEXT| )A.File Manipulation: Get File Contents & Details |("TrFile-GetDataSize" TrFile-GetDataSize |("TrFile-GetResForkSize" TrFile-GetResForkSize |("TrDl-Version" "") = "" TrDl-Version > Possible Returned error codes $$-35 = No such volume (Wrong disk name or not mounted). $$-43 = File not found. $$-50 = Parameter error. $$-120 = Directory not found. 3) Set switches 1) Select the disk to search See also the functions "TrFile-Save FileSpec Dialog" to get a FileSpec for a folder. O& Og gcSzG A-My" 2 ) "$$" |("TrFile-GetContents" TrFile-GetContents |("TrFile-GetFileSize" ) / 1024 TrFile-GetFileSize |("TrFile-GetDataSize" TrFile-GetDataSize |("TrFile-GetResForkSize" TrFile-GetResForkSize & "EXP" & ) & ".TAB" F = "Yes" |("TrFile-DeleteFile" TrFile-DeleteFile |("TrFile-CopyFile" C & "|" & TrFile-CopyFile <> 0 odeWarrior Pro 2. In order to do this CodeWarrior Pro 2 must be installed first. If you wish to merge the installations you must install both CodeWarrior Pro 2 and Co deWarrior for PalmOS 4 into the same folder. Installing into different folders will not allow the installer to properly merge the installations and may result in a corrupted installation. Note that CodeWarrior for PalmOS 4 is based on components from the CodeWarrior Pro 2 release. If you have applied updates or patches to CodeWarrior Pro 2 it will be necessary to reapply those updates after merge installing CodeWarrior for PalmOS. CodeWarrior for PalmOS Release 4 installs MWDebug 1. Export Cancelh Replace An Error occured. See the layout for an explantion of errors.G+ ) = 1 support at: =================================== Alex Harper Metrowerks QA files folders U Internal: Searching....1.2.pdf KES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:TEXT:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0.1 ALL:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0.1 WWW:Text Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:TEXT:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.2b2:Text Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:zData Troi:WWW Site:site980429:software:Text Plug-in User Guide1.2.pdf KES:Programma's:CodeWarrior Pro 4:CodeWarrior Documentation:PDF:IDE User Guide.pdf KES:Trash:Graphic Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:Trash:Number Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:Tr ash:User Guide Graph.pdf KES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAPH:Troi-Graph-Plug-in1.0:Graphic Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:Desktop Folder:SAVED:USER MANUAL GRAPH PI:User Guide KES:Desktop Folder:SAVED:USER MANUAL GRAPH PI:User Guide1.2.pdf KES:Desktop Folder:USER MANUAL GRAPH PI:Graphic Plug-in User Guide.pdf KES:Desktop Folder:USER MANUAL GRAPH PI:User Guide Graph KES:Desktop Folder:SAVED:User Guide Graph files foldersED:Troi Grabber Plug o Data: KES:Desktop Folder:SAVED:Troi Grabb ImageImp.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-File-Plug-in1.2.1 XKES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:FILE:Troi-File-Plug-in1.2.1:ImageImp.fp3 Ethernet zone McGee peter Maker Pro 4 directory. If you have installed previous versions of this plug-in, you must remove them. You may want to install other plug-ins before proceeding. Then (re)start FileMaker Pro. The Troi File Plug-in will display a dialog box, indicating that it is loading and showing the registration status. You can now open the file "File Example.fp3" to see how to use the plug-in's functions. There is also a Function overview in this file. UPGRADING FROM TROI FM PLUG-IN Current licenced users of our Troi FM Plug-in 1.0 can upgrade for free to the 3 replacing plug-ins: Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.2.1, Troi File Plug-in 1.2.1 and Troi Coding Plug-in 1.2. These 3 new plug-ins will recognize the payment data of Troi FM Plug-in 1.0. -For Macintosh: remove the "Troi FM Plug-in" file from the "FileMaker Extensions" folder. Put the file "Troi File Plug-in" from the folder "MacOS Plug-in" into the "FileMaker Extensions" folder in the FileMake